Too Late

    Too Late   The wind blows suddenly, and once again, change moves time, the Earth feels shaky, as I grasp onto anything within reach.   My heart cries out in silence, while people whisper and stare, wondering what could have happened, and how to clean up the mess I’ve made.   If only someone would have warned me, the suffering I had in store, I would have acted on...

The Future

Happy Thursday!   Hello, hello, hello, and happy Thursday! I hope that you are having a great week!   Things are about to drastically change around my house with our schedules and the way we do our daily lives, so this has been giving me a bit of anxiety, but I am hoping for the best.   After dealing with depression and anxiety for so many years it's hard to get out of the...

When A Loved One Suffers

Happy Tuesday!   Hello, hello, hello, and happy Tuesday! I will admit, I had to drag myself out of bed this morning and even now, am fighting the urge to go crawl back into bed, but know that today is still a day to be thankful for. I hope that you have a great day and can find joy in the little things, even if it's in the sounds of birds singing or children laughing; there is always...

I Felt You Here With Me

  Happy Wednesday!!!     Hello, hello, hello, and happy Wednesday! It's one of my favorite days of the week because of course, it's garbage day over here. Today is also my orientation for my new job, so that will be interesting. Because of the virus, it will be through a Zoom meeting, so I won't even have to leave the house. What a strange time we are living in!     I am...

Help Me

Happy Tuesday!   Hello, hello, hello, and happy Tuesday! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, and that you were able to enjoy some quality time with family and/or friends.   I spent most of the weekend out in nature, which was really amazing! I saw places I have never seen before, filled with beautiful forests, mountains and awesome beaches. It truly brought peace to my soul to be...

Unresolved Pain

Happy Thursday!   Hello, hello, hello, and happy Thursday! To be quite honest, I'm not feeling it today. My moods can fluctuate pretty fast, and this is one of those times. Do you ever get that way? Can you be over-the-moon one day, and then memories or situations hit and then bam, you're down in the dumps?    Well, I'm not going to let it ruin my whole day or anything, but I...

A New Life

  Happy Wednesday!!!   Hello, hello, hello, and happy Wednesday! Once again, it’s garbage day and I am pretty excited. I guess it doesn’t take much to get me excited, but thinking of all of that trash getting taken away so I can fill the garbage can outside with more garbage makes me super happy! And no, I don’t have a bunch of garbage lying around, but I’m sure I can find...

Do You Remember?

Happy Tuesday! Hello, hello, hello, and cheers to another day! Even though I begin with cheerful greetings, it doesn’t mean I am always excited for another day. Though I feel grateful and thankful right now, I tend to sink into darkness quite often, and so I need to keep myself in check so I don’t dip too low. Dipping too low into depression can be very dangerous, as you probably already...

Severe Agitation

    Happy Monday!   Hello, hello, hello, and happy Monday! Hopefully, no one has a case of the Monday's because that's no fun at all. Personally, I had a case of the weekend blues, but am hoping they don't follow me into the week. Sometimes it's hard for me to snap out of a mood; probably the Bipolar haunting me, but still, I can try to rise above it. It helps to know that I am not...

Psych Ward Socks Are All I See

Happy Friday!!! Hello, hello, hello, and happy Friday! Friday is finally here and soon the weekend will greet us with a smile! I hope that you are all doing well during this crazy day and age of lockdowns, masks, and mass- panic. It's unreal to think that before we know it we'll be headed into the summer season. Hopefully, things will calm down soon. I'm really excited to be able to get out in...