The Future

Happy Thursday!


Hello, hello, hello, and happy Thursday! I hope that you are having a great week!


Things are about to drastically change around my house with our schedules and the way we do our daily lives, so this has been giving me a bit of anxiety, but I am hoping for the best.


After dealing with depression and anxiety for so many years it’s hard to get out of the emotional trap.  I need to remember that God is in control and that He can handle all of my fears. I hope you know that He can do this for you as well. 


Today’s Poem


Today’s Poem is about anticipating the future, and the feelings that can come along with it. A great deal of having anxiety is having a fear of the unknown.


I really want to overcome this mindset, and writing about it helps me to get emotions out so I can be more self-aware. If you deal with depression and/or anxiety then I am sure you know where I am coming from. 


The Future


The future has a face.

Do I dare gaze upon it, 

or continue to remain, 

stuck between the waves

of regret?


So sick of living in the past, 

yet in the past, despite all of its ugliness, 

There lies a safety that cannot be felt 

compared to the unknown path of the future.


Will I walk upon the steps of tomorrow?

Will I achieve the things I was put on this earth to do, 

or will I squander time and space, folding up my hands?

Will I waste this life that truly was never mine to waste?


They say to take life on one day at a time, 

and that is something I must do, 

but in the doing, I must not walk backwards,

through yesterdays afflictions,

for one day at a time should focus on moving forward,

toward a positive destination. 


When staring the future in the face, 

instead of feeling fear, or running too far ahead within my thoughts, 

I will remember that God has everything under control within His hands, 

and that He will walk with me no matter where I stand. 

This gives me the strength to face another day. 

One more step toward a future, no longer tainted with regret.



Reach out to me if you ever need a friend! 🙂


Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!



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