A New Life


Happy Wednesday!!!


Hello, hello, hello, and happy Wednesday! Once again, it’s garbage day and I am pretty excited. I guess it doesn’t take much to get me excited, but thinking of all of that trash getting taken away so I can fill the garbage can outside with more garbage makes me super happy! And no, I don’t have a bunch of garbage lying around, but I’m sure I can find some!  😉


Well, today I fill out the final paperwork for a new job that I will be starting soon. Things didn’t work out at the first job I worked at for a few days, but I have a better feeling about this new opportunity. Retail wasn’t my thing, and I will forever stay away from any retail jobs from now on. Working as a  Caregiver is something I did for years, so hopefully, it will work out.  🙂


Today’s Poem


Today’s poem is short and sweet and is about transformation and change. Change is something I usually fight against because I don’t deal with transitions easily.  I get used to how things are and can get really apprehensive when things start to shift in another direction- even a positive one.


Even though I would like things to be different, thinking of change usually gives me a  tinge of anxiety. My anxiety is more under control at the moment, and so I am hoping that I will start adapting to change with less dread. 


The verse that spoke to me today I’d like to share- 


Psalm 95:4


In His hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is His also.



~Knowing that God is in control truly brings comfort and a sense of peace~


Here we go with today’s poem-



New Life


Look across the waters

Picture your problems and fears

Floating away with the ripples


Feel your feet

as sand hugs them

between your toes

while you walk along

a pathway to peace


With the breeze 

kissing your cheeks

bringing a sudden realization 

That you feel more alive than before


A thrill flows over you


Lighter than the air

you become 

with all of that

baggage gone


What will you do with this

new life you have?

Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed! 


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