I Have Bipolar Disorder ~~Poetry~~


I Have Bipolar Disorder ~~Poetry~~

~ I’m sick of hiding, so I speak in poetry~

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash


Hello, my poetry friends! 

Hello, to you, and I hope you are doing well! Thanks for visiting my poetry blog-  I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to share a moment with me. 🙂


peace- poetry
Photo by Daniel Mingook Kim on Unsplash

Poetry has become such a part of me that I go back to it even if I don’t want to. Poetry can be found in anything, so I better get used to it! 


Today’s poem is about my struggle with Bipolar Disorder, and how I have been treated by some. After I get all of this junk out of my mind I can start healing more rapidly.



Right now is the time of purging my emotions, and it’s not very pretty. The cool thing about poetry is that it can make even the unattractive look beautiful. I love poetry! 🙂




I Have Bipolar Disorder   ~~Poetry~~
~I’m sick of hiding, so I speak in poetry~


sad girl
Photo by Victoria Volkova on Unsplash

I have Bipolar Disorder and 
what that partially means
is that I experience
sudden mood swings
that seem to appear out of nowhere


I made the mistake of consoling myself
with material things
mainly fragrant things
like soaps and candles
but I don’t want ever to burn them
they’re too pretty for that


Photo by Aurélia Dubois on Unsplash

am I a soap hoarder?
I hope I am 


I’m perpetually battling
against depression
and balancing my way between
mania and normalcy
and always joking in between


I rock back and forth
when I’m all by myself
it’s calming and
it really helps


for me
absorbing love
is difficult
but easier to give


blue heart
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

not like they say
that you first need
to love yourself
I don’t think it’s true


or like abusers
who themselves were abused 
I can’t understand it
why leave someone’s soul bruised?


I know the sorrow of abuse
but never became an abuser


if anything, I remained a victim
amidst those who should’ve loved me


I’m still actualizing how to be
a survivor instead


next, I’ll become a warrior
and then go from there


I do plan on healing someday
even though Bipolar Disorder
doesn’t go away


I can make my life worth living
and live out the rest of my days
by practicing forgiveness
and maintaining my peace


I have Bipolar Disorder
and if you judge me for it
all I can say is
I hope somehow it’s worth it
for both of us


Photo by Kristina V on Unsplash

because of your judgement, I can learn
how not to be
you teach me this by doing things
that I could never do
to someone who I claimed to love


I know; it’s over now
but years will follow
and the ripples will flow


this tragedy happened
and not even forgiveness
can erase the destruction


and you wonder why I stay away?


look at the past and see what’s happened
see how you all made it so hard
for me just to be me


I remember…

sad_ poetry
Photo by Meghan Hessler on Unsplash

I remember the day they threw in my face that they thought I had Bipolar Disorder. I was already taking medication for the illness, so I didn’t see why I needed an official diagnosis.


The way she said it sounded like I had leprosy, and the way they all treated me afterwards matched the narrative. They bullied me and made me feel like I shouldn’t exist.


Are they glad I left?

Deep down, I wonder if they are glad I left. It didn’t take long for one of them to belittle me somehow or outright tell me off. 


It broke my heart at the time, and I didn’t understand it, but thankfully I have realized something. I don’t need to understand their behavior.


For all I know, it wouldn’t make sense even if I knew why they treated me so badly.


journey- poetry
Photo by Vlad Bagacian on Unsplash

What I can do is move on, and even though it may seem like I have a lot of issues in my writing, I leave it there.

My pain can fill a page as it empties out of my brain. I feel lighter, more complete, and things make more sense. 


I need to take care of my mental health


Some may wonder how I can cut people out of my life the way I do, but it’s not for bad intentions. I need to think of my mental health and can’t bend down to others who mistreat me, just because I am supposed to love them.


I can love them and wish them well from a distance.

I'm here for you- poetry
Photo by Lauren Richmond on Unsplash

How about you?

How about you? Do you have people in your life that you can’t be around for your own mental health’s sake? If so, I feel your pain and am suffering along with you. If you ever need an ear, I’m here! 🙂


You are not alone! ♥♥♥



my chains are broken~~poetry~~
Photo by Zulmaury Saavedra on Unsplash


Thanks for reading! Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed! 🙂



2 thoughts on “I Have Bipolar Disorder ~~Poetry~~

  1. I’ve read some of your posts on Medium and on here as well. I relate to many of the things you write about.

    I was diagnosed with bipolar years ago. I question that diagnosis or how it came to be that I am bipolar. I suspect that it is more environmental in my case than genetic factors.

    I experienced emotional neglect in childhood that carried over into adulthood. I also experienced physical abuse as a child that also carried over into adulthood along with being sexually abused as an adult, prior to being diagnosed.

    What lead me to the doctor’s office which then lead to the diagnosis was that for a few years prior to then I had begun experiencing terrifying and emotional rollercoasters after a long period of tranquility after being married thirty years to a man who decided that life is one big party and he was going to live it as such.

    Maybe I would have been better equipped to handle my husband’s extreme life changes hadn’t I also experienced trauma in childhood and early adulthood.

    It is my hope that the general public as well as those in positions of authority will someday understand mental illness. The brain can be extremely fragile in some folks. The circumstances are complex and people should realize that a brain can hurt a person just as much as a broken body part can. It isn’t our fault just as falling off of a building and breaking your back isn’t.

    Hopefully, mental health discrimination will be a thing of the past. The world needs more advocates to get the word out. Thank you for your contributions!

    1. I am so sorry for what you have been through. I can really empathize. Even though I have been hiding for a long time, something in me is sick of it, and since I experience stigma within my own family, I know it must be bad out there. I don’t understand why we aren’t met with more compassion.
      Know that I am honored you wrote to me and are brave enough to share your story. May our stories impact others as we share our hardships and our joys! I will let your post speak for itself because it’s what needs to happen with mental health. Take care, and thank you! 🙂

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