I Have Bipolar Disorder ~~Poetry~~

  I Have Bipolar Disorder ~~Poetry~~ ~ I’m sick of hiding, so I speak in poetry~   Hello, my poetry friends!  Hello, to you, and I hope you are doing well! Thanks for visiting my poetry blog-  I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to share a moment with me. :)   Poetry has become such a part of me that I go back to it even if I don't want to. Poetry...

The Other Me

It's poetry time! Hello, and I hope you are doing great! I'm sitting here with my cats and my loyal dog, Annie, reading poetry from other authors. She follows me around the house wherever I go, and she's the sweetest and such a goofy girl. Today I wrote a poem about the other me that forms when I need to face the world. Since I experience dissociation, I have a disconnect that kicks in by...

I’m More than Just a Walking Mental Illness

I did not recently write this. I found it in my drafts and thought I would post it to remember how far I've come.  Even though I thought I was in a good place when I wrote this, I am in a much better place now. Onward and upward, being gentle with myself about the losses.    I’m More than Just a Walking Mental Illness I’m a human being, just like you, and have feelings too....

That Girl

That Girl a poem about mania  Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash remember that day when you opened up the closet and found yourself choosing brightly colored clothing and you put on that hat that made you  look like a country girl   soon you called up a cab and took a ride without paying then you went on parading your clothes in front of  glass doors   what a silly...

My Silent Prayer

Happy Wednesday!!!   Hello, hello, hello, and happy Wednesday! I hope that you are having a great week and are staying safe out there. My week seems to be gradually declining, and today hit me like a stop sign in the face as I attempted to get out of bed this morning. I finally made it, but later than planned. Luckily I could afford to stay in bed a little longer this morning, but that will...

The Joy of Having to Take Our Meds

Happy Wednesday! Hello, hello, hello, and happy Wednesday! Once again, today is garbage day and I am using it not only as a day to get rid of all of our trash but also as a day of cleansing and renewal. Beginning the day with a purpose helps the rest of the day go well for me. I listen to prayers and meditations with Bible readings to help calm me and I really benefit from it. I find that when I...


    Woohoo for Cinco de Mayo Hello, hello, hello and happy Cinco de Mayo! My family and I celebrated early yesterday because my kids are going to be with their Dad tonight. We had a taco Monday and later we made smores over the fire pit, which was really fun! My son wanted to play with matches, and I know that it is supposed to be a no-no, but he is a teenager and was supervised so I...

In the Shadows

  Hello, hello, hello again! Well, I hope you are feeling better than I am today! I woke up feeling fine, but then a tummy ache hit me with full force, so now I am drinking some peppermint tea. I start a new job today so I hope the tea helps! I should have known better than to eat that onion last night...Lol :) Anyway, this poem talks about depression and the tendency we have to get stuck in...

Impending Doom

 Hello, Hello, Hello! Here we go with another day, and I am feeling grateful- hopefully you are as well! The title of this poem is "Impending doom"; something I am all too familiar with. Hopefully those days are mostly in the past. Since I have a severe anxiety disorder among other concerns, a sense of impending doom arises from most things I have to encounter-  it can be quite...

Not Again~~Poetry~

~Poetry is NOT Dead!~~Poetry is for Everyone!~~Happy Poetry!~ Not Again All of that stress For nothing All of that worry The fear The dread Seeing myself in that hospital bed Trapped once again-I don’t want it Feeling anger Heart-wrenching anger Even though previously That emotion had been So foreign The chest pain The tears that wanted to fall And I stopped them Which brought its own kind of...