
The Journey of Loss~~Poetry~~

poetry of sadness
Photo by Dekler Ph on Unsplash

Hello, and I hope you are well! Today I am evaluating my progress in my healing journey. I have had a lot of changes in the last ten years, and it’s changed how I look at life.

I used to have a sense of control over things around me. Over the years, I have learned that I almost control nothing. The only thing I can control is myself, and that’s not even easy.

Thankfully, I have been able to manage my emotions better than in the past. It might be bittersweet because I might block out more things than I should, but we need to do what we need to do to survive, and healing can be a long process. I hope to one day heal from all that has happened, but for now, I am hanging onto the process, and taking it very slowly.

OK, poetry time… This poem is about the journey of healing.

The Journey of Loss

Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

There is no one way
to deal with grief or loss
There is only your own individual path
and your own delicate journey

I can’t inspect why
you do the things you do

moving on seems scary-
it’s like you almost get
addicted to the throbbing pain

I’m done with torturing myself
and want a life
that’s not controlled
by fear and doubt

I’m feeling trapped
and can’t get out
but I see the door
I’m getting out

it’s not too late
I’m not too old
I’m not too weak

I can trust that God
will carry me through 
and I’ll come out
on the other side

a better human
a better me

I can have
a chance at life

I can find my peace again

the poetry of peace
Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

~Thanks for reading! Until next time, stay safe and be blessed!~