In the Shadows


Hello, hello, hello again! Well, I hope you are feeling better than I am today! I woke up feeling fine, but then a tummy ache hit me with full force, so now I am drinking some peppermint tea.

I start a new job today so I hope the tea helps! I should have known better than to eat that onion last night…Lol 🙂

Anyway, this poem talks about depression and the tendency we have to get stuck in the past; ultimately hope abounds. . I wrote it quite a while ago. It is so hard to get out of a miserable cycle sometimes. Personally I thought mine would last for a lifetime.  Thank God it is over! 

Well, here we go! 

In the Shadows


Going underneath the bridge of sanity

Leaving my heart behind as a whisper

Calling out with robust agony

None answered as I fell lower

Into muddy waters, I sunk beneath


Looking back in time withholding

As images appeared suddenly before me

None brought satisfaction or relief

Never-ending confusion remained

In the distance

I felt a calling


Listen to the voice of reason

Turn away from doubt and anguish

Misery may lurk beneath the mire

Until one rises above the pain

Until then, hold onto hope


Treading in the deep dark shadows

Wondering if more will come

Light beyond the cloud envelops

Nevermore turn back in time


Cling to God, He’s waiting for you

Even when you feel alone

All those times you felt abandoned

He never left you after all



Until next time, be safe and take care! 

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