I Need to Let You Go

Hello, and I hope you are well! Today, for some reason, I woke up thinking about an old friend who ditched me. She left me during one of the most challenging times in my life. I begged for her to remain friends, but she ignored me.

One day, I thought she had decided to reach out to me, and I got so excited. It was in an email- all she said was, “Hi”, so I wrote back and told her how happy I was that she took me back, but instead, she said she had been hacked. I felt so stupid! I thought she wanted me back, but she didn’t. 

It’s been a LOT of years, and I still haven’t let it go. It’s hard to let go of a friendship that lasted over twenty years. I don’t know why she despises me so much, but I may never know. All more, the reason to move on. She doesn’t care about me, and even though I still care about her, I’ll have to continue to wish for her well in my mind. It hurts to let go, but maybe I can learn how. 


I Need to Let You Go

I remember you
and our friendship

how you looked at me
like I mattered

all those years
we spent together

I need to let you go

I always thought it
would never end

I need to let you go

when I think of you
the hurt seeps through
and it’s hard to think
about anything else

why did you throw me away?

do you ever think of me?

I tried so hard to
get you to stay

instead, you left
and won’t forgive

do you remember when we met?

and how you looked at me?
do you remember all the questions you asked?

I’ll never forget

you found me interesting

why should  I sit here and wish
for something, I will never have?

I need to let you go

you made yourself clear
you don’t want me anymore

I need to close the door
on what we used to have

did you ever even care?

I need to let you go

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

How do I let this go? 

Well, now I need to figure out how to move on with this. The only thing I can think of doing is praying. Thankfully, I believe prayer is a BIG thing, and I know God can heal my heart. I have never asked him much about this situation. Maybe it’s time I start to lean on Him through this. He wants us free of this kind of pattern (Philippians 4:6-7 says, “do not be anxious about anything, but in every supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God, And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

There is always hope in every situation until this life experiment is over. I hope you can find a solution that brings peace no matter what you go through today. 

Thanks for reading! Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed! 🙂