Simple Quotes to Help Get You Out of a Funk


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Simple Quotes to Help Get You Out of a Funk


One thing I like to do when I’m feeling low is look up positive quotes online. Looking at short and simple messages quickly begins to erase my pity party funky feelings. 

Today I want to share a few quotes that spoke to me today. The first one comes from Booker T. Washington, saying, “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.”

This quote speaks to me because I have had so much misery. To think that the obstacles I’ve overcome can lead somewhere- gives me hope. There’s hope for you as well!


We must train our minds

I know that one way to improve our mindsets is to think positive, but it takes work, especially if you have a vivid imagination. I like this quote- “ Train your mind to see the good in every situation”- unknown


It’s true; we must train our minds to stop the negative internal dialogue. It’s like breaking a bad habit, but it’s possible with determination.



Prayer can help

I have been praying for my heart to change since I became overwhelmed with depression in 2019. Compared to then, my perspective on things that used to destroy me has changed. I never thought my mind could change about these things, so I know God is answering my prayers. 


Loneliness affects many people, and I struggled with being lonely for quite some time. I used to panic almost daily when my husband left for work in the morning, and I would call prayer lines and helplines until I calmed down a little. It was killing me, and I wanted to escape somehow. I don’t feel that way anymore, and I thank God for it!

Photo by Harald Arlander on Unsplash

When feeling low, even the slightest kindness from someone else can make a difference. Kindness should be the world’s culture.
Maya Angelo said, “Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”

This quote makes me think of what I’d hope someone would do for me and what I want to do for others. Everyone could use some rainbows in their lives, so let’s spread them around! 🙂



Force a smile!

After practicing laughter and smiling therapy, I realized how silliness could almost instantly snap me out of what I call “feeling gumpy,” I realized the power of being positive. This simple quote speaks to me- “Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.”- Dalai Lama

Something else I need to remember is that it’s OK to feel good. Growing up, it seemed like if I was having fun, I must be doing something wrong. I must permit myself to feel happy, and I hope you can do the same.

Photo by Yuyeung Lau on Unsplash


Do Something You Enjoy

So many times, we’ve heard the saying- “happiness is a choice,” but sometimes it seems impossible when depression clouds everything. If you can take a little break from your worries and think or do something you enjoy, like looking out at the birds or the trees- experience something good for yourself. Make a cup of hot chocolate, or eat right out of the whipping cream dispenser. Do SOMETHING positive, even if it’s accepting the moment. I like this quote- “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”-Omar Khyam


This moment in time is all we have


If we don’t cherish our time, it will disappear and be no more. Let’s remember that all we have is right now, so let’s not waste it. 

I hope you enjoyed these simple quotes, and I hope they brightened your day a little. Why not stop what you’re doing, RIGHT NOW, and make yourself laugh and force a cheesy smile. I don’t know why it helps, but it does- TRY IT! 🙂


~Thanks for reading! Until next time, stay safe and be blessed!~ 🙂



Photo by Paul Green on Unsplash


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