Inspirational Quotes For Everyday Life, Mixed With Poetry


~Inspirational Quotes For Everyday Life, Mixed With Poetry~


Photo by Ty Williams on Unsplash


I don’t know about you, but for me, I enjoy reading inspirational quotes and poetry to help brighten my spirit. When you combine inspirational quotes with poetry, it becomes like that cake you wanted to eat but didn’t; instead, you crave it. I crave poetry and other writings, and I  call my poetry “My Writings” for some reason. When I was young, I had a sign on my door that said, “Poetry is Forbidden.” I forbid anyone in the house from reading my poetry. 



Are You Searching For Peace? 



Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash






Maybe you’re like me and want to attain peace in this world. It’s a journey, and  I have not reached the destination, but I  can feel a difference in my perspective and heart. 



Reading inspirational quotes can help improve your perspective and melt your heart simultaneously. I hope that these quotes can inspire you as they
did for me. 




  • “Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality”- Les Brown



I believe that life originated from the Creator’s design. If we remember that God loves us, then it can become easier not to care what other people think. I’m working on this. 


I struggle interacting with other people. It feels like there’s this imaginary audience in my head, waiting to laugh at me when I mess up, fall, or fail. I also struggle with ruminating over life scenarios, so I stay most of the time indoors.


I want to start counselling soon to try and get help with my agoraphobia and social anxiety. I need to learn not to absorb thoughts I cannot read from others. 
Now, onto the next quote!


  • “It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends.”- J.K. Rowling


I can feel this one. It’s hard to stand up to friends. I didn’t want to hurt people’s feelings, so I used to allow people to treat me poorly while I continued to be nice. When I ended up standing up to my friends, they left me. Until then, they kept telling me I needed to stand up for myself, but it ended our relationship when I finally did.



Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash


  • It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”-George Eliot


This quote makes me kind of sad because it brings back a memory of when a tragedy happened in my life, and  I received a letter in the mail. It had my baby picture inside. A card read, “I remember this little girl and all of the things she’s dreamed of being. She could have been so much more; What a shame.” 



At the same time, this inspirational quote also gives me hope, knowing that it’s never too late for us to become what we want. It’s never too late to make a goal.


  • “If you change how you look at things, the things you look at change.” -Wayne Dyer



Do you struggle with having a negative outlook on life? I do, but I am trying to change.


This quote is so true! I think that praying for our hearts to change can be highly beneficial. I have prayed for my heart to change for the last two years, and little by little, it has softened.



I will know my heart has radically changed once I can learn to be content in any circumstance. I  have a very long journey ahead.



Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash



  • “There is a vitality, a lifeforce, and energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you all the time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”- Martha Graham





This quote is beautiful to me! To know that everyone has worth is a blessing. The shame lies in the fact that I often feel like I’m wasting my life because I let agoraphobia control me. I’m going to get into therapy, though,  and hopefully, this quote will help inspire me not to give up.



Another take I get on this inspirational quote is that you should always be yourself. If you are not being authentic, you are not being honest, and therefore, you will be lost.



Photo by Isi Parente on Unsplash




In life, we are all on this journey together. Wouldn’t it be nice if more people began to build others up instead of tearing them down? This world has become a scary place for me, and one of my fears is words that hurt. Their harsh words replay again and again, and I try to reprogram my mind into thinking they’re not true.



Everyone’s life has a story, and everyone could use some cheering up. I believe these quotes are not only positive but powerful. The power of positive has saved lives, so I think it is even stronger than we realize. 






A Morning With the Creator

~a spiritual poem~ 

Photo by Nicole Geri on Unsplash


on this beautiful morning when I went outside
I gazed above at the vastness of the light blue sky
and wondered how massive and  large
our Creator might indeed be


all at once
my problems felt small
and all I could do was acknowledge
how amazingly ingenious
our Creator must indeed be


to paint the sky so brilliantly
to give us a chance at life
where love reigns supreme
and knowing someday 
that He will make things right


I stand in awe
without a sound
I bow my head
whisper a prayer


our Creator is more spectacular
than anything I can fathom


and He is good
without a doubt
more incredible
than we can imagine


~Thanks for reading, and until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!~:)