Who is That I See, Staring Back at Me? ~~Poetry~~

~Poetry is NOT dead!~

~Poetry is for everyone!~

~Happy Poetry!~

Hello, My Poetry and Writing Friends!

Hello, my poetry and writing friends! How are you doing today? I hope you are well! Thank you for visiting my poetry and writing blog; I am delighted you decided to stop by. Whether you are a reader, writer, or observer, I want to welcome you!

If you are experiencing a heat wave like we are here, I hope you remember to drink your water.

We have a few air conditioning units running, and our house still feels like it’s on fire by mid-afternoon. The sprinkler has been a very welcoming place for me lately.

Last night, I was on my bed, feeling miserable from the heat. Sitting in front of the fan, I saw my husband spraying the snake cage with water, and I asked him to spray me too, which was so refreshing! It sounds so simple, but not something I usually think of doing while indoors.

Today’s poem is just silly. I will let you see for yourself. 🙂

Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash

~Happy Poetry!~

Who is Staring at Me?

A silly poem

Photo by Raphael Renter on Unsplash

I feel someone 
staring at me


it’s all I can think about


their eyeballs on me


I hear them scampering
around the woods


who are they?


I think I see whiskers


and what’s that I hear?


behind the stares
I hear a meow


so I meow back 
and we begin
to sing a song
of meows and things


now I know
who’s been
staring at me


it is the meow
behind the tree

Photo by Adél Grőber on Unsplash

I love cats, and I especially love my cats. I don’t care if people call me the crazy cat lady because that has been my dream throughout my life- to have a ton of cats.

We now have six cats, and most of them get along, except for the queen cat that lives in my bedroom.

I hope that cats will always be a part of my life. What are your feelings about cats?

~Thank you so much for reading, and until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!~