My Shattered Heart~~Poetry

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash-poetry

~Poetry is NOT dead!~

~Poetry is for everyone!~

~Happy Poetry!~

Hello, my Poetry and Writing Friends!

Hello, my poetry and writing friends! How are you? I hope you are well! Thank you for visiting my blog. I appreciate you being here!


Today’s poem is about a heart that won’t hold onto love from others.

~Happy Poetry!~

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash-poetry

My Shattered Heart

my shattered heart has become
punctured with tiny little holes


I try to soak up the blood of past memories


they stink of  regrets, disgust, and years of trauma


my masterpiece never manifested


I’ve been punished, and I’ve been tested
the life I tried to live imploded
and now I must face
myself before I explode


these tiny little holes leak out the love of others
that tries to penetrate my soul


trying to run before rejection


failure has trouble teaching me lessons


always dwelling on and taking things personally


wanting to give up along the journey


just to find I have a little more fight left in me


to face another day


to make a new change


to sit still, in peace


until these holes in my heart


have a chance to mend


and until I can learn to love myself again


Photo by Marah Bashir on Unsplash-poetry


I hope you enjoyed today’s poem. If you can relate to this, then I feel your pain, but there is hope! We just need to keep moving forward and not give up, and we will make it!


~Thanks for reading, and until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!~ 🙂

Photo by Anthony Intraversato on Unsplash-poetry

~Poetry is NOT dead!~

2 thoughts on “My Shattered Heart~~Poetry

  1. Charlotte, far be it from me to give advice, you have gone through “enough” apparently.

    The one “problem” about being a Christian, is that we learn to accept and forgive no matter what. I read your narrative about your battle of ten years with your ex-husband. HE gets to suffer for the things he did to you, or behind your back.

    Yet in the scheme of things, all of us must Forgive. I would not wish to have the albatross around my neck to think that I would bear it forever. I must let it go. And I do my level best to keep this close to my heart.

    Anger is one of those Deadly Sins, while we all may have had bouts with it, we must wear our Cross in full knowledge that things will get better.

    God Bless You.

    1. Thank your your message, and for your thoughful response. Writing has been healing, and eventually I will have this out of my system. For now, I feel the emotions as I write, but I don’t continue to dwell on it through the day. Thanks again, and may God bless you!

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