
drawing by author

~Poetry is NOT dead!~
~Poetry is for everyone!~
~Happy Poetry!~

Apollo Neptune- Poetry

Hello, My Poetry and Writing Friends! 🙂

I hope you are well! Thank you for visiting my poetry blog. I appreciate you being here!

Three years ago, I got my kitty, Aries, a few days before Christmas, so I called him my Christmas kitty. Two years ago, I got Apollo a few days before Christmas, so I called him my Christmas kitty, too; they are best friends.

Prince Aries and Apollo Neptune- Poetry

This year I will not be getting any more pets for Christmas. My husband thinks that six cats are enough. lol

Prince Aries- Poetry


I love to watch my kitties
gaze up at the Christmas tree
to see their eyes glisten
as they drink their catnip tea
stealing candy canes
as they play so merrily
I can’t wait to give them their gifts
on the night of Christmas Eve
a house without a kitty
is not where I want to be
Merry Christmas to all kitties
may your day be meow-merry!

Illana- Poetry

~Thanks for reading, and until next time, stay safe and be blessed!~

Cinnamon- Poetry

~Poetry is for everyone!~