Lucid Dreams

Lucid Dreams Photo by Mikael Stenberg on Unsplash     incantations in the night like a chorus in my mind such a unique lullaby as I drift off into sleep   dreams of forests from new heights as I soar above the earth greeting birds who've taken flight my soul breaks free as stars give birth   I travelled in the sky and roamed 'til I no more could longer take this exhilaration...

Lucid Dreams

Happy Wednesday! Hello, hello, hello, and happy Wednesday! I hope you are well! I know I say it every week, but yaaaay for garbage day! I swear, if I had the chance,  I could fill up a dumpster each week- OK, I am totally exaggerating! ;) Today's Poem Today's poem is about lucid dreaming. As a teen, I practiced this and it led me to some very dark places. Now it's something I long for, but...