I Hope You’re Happy~~Poetry~

Photo by Tomáš Petz on Unsplash-poetry

~Poetry is NOT Dead!~
~Poetry is for Everyone!~
~Happy Poetry!~

Photo by Alec Douglas on Unsplash-poetry

Hello, My Poetry and Writing Friends! 🖤

I hope you are well! Thank you for visiting my poetry blog. I appreciate you being here!

Interacting with people who refuse to take charge of their mental health can be difficult. One day, you look at the big picture and realize that you have been enabling them not to seek treatment. When you add fuel to mania, it does no good and can make things worse.
Sometimes we just need to distance ourselves before it affects our mental health. The scariest behavior stems from denial.

Photo by Diane Picchiottino on Unsplash-poetry

I Hope You’re Happy

a difference
in your eyes
I saw the change
as you kept going
for days on end
you couldn’t see it
the motor ran
off in the background
we tried to reach you
you wouldn’t listen
you made a choice
I hope you’re happy

Photo by photo nic on Unsplash-poetry

Thank you for reading, and until next time, stay safe and be blessed!~ 🖤🖤🖤

Photo by Olga Drach on Unsplash-poetyry

~Poetry is for Everyone!~