I Hate Titles


Hello to you, and I hope you are well! Things are going pretty OK over here. My husband and I went and got some shrubs yesterday so we could start the process of planting a hedge.

Since I am an eclectic person and don’t like seeing things in a uniform fashion, I decided to get a variety of shrubs, and when it’s done, we will have different colors contrasting with each other. I’m excited! It will take a few years for them to grow, but that’s OK.



Today I will be sharing a poem I wrote about different events I experienced, but in an abstract way. This way, no one will ever know what really happened, but I can get the feelings out and put them where they belong- far away from me!



 I Hate Titles

~I hate subtitles, too~



the walls began to speak
and the fact that it didn’t bother me
should have been troubling


but it wasn’t


dark flashes
swerving like a dance
as the ropes of colors intertwine
with the buzzing of languages together
making it unified
almost like a chant






he came toward me
and put that sour candy in my mouth
and now I’m feeling funny


will he slip me another if I get something to drink?


is he following me toward the bannister?


I say I feel sick and hang my head over the railing

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash


he speaks in slow motion
saying grotesque words
I would never say


not that I’m better than anyone

Photo by Dimitar Belchev on Unsplash

I just don’t like to be rude
if I can help it
and I can help it



sometimes I feel sorry for people
who haven’t any insight into
why they do what they do


they walk the streets
sometimes thinking
only of themselves
forgetting the reason for life
which is, of course, common sense-
to love and be loved


this earth- a playground of people
seeking out connections


it’s hard to escape it
and it’s being tainted
with toxic specks
of murder and heartache

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash


sometimes I can’t help
but give in to the madness

but then I laugh
because I’m so awkward


when I’m looking outside the window

Photo by Jessie McCall on Unsplash

I shame myself for hiding away
I sure miss the birds 


oh, and the squirrels- I named all of them “Henry”; to me- they’re all boys
and the birds are all girls, so it’s even, somehow


someday I’ll look at the sky again in the light
without the glasses, I always use to hide


I call them my superhero glasses
because they give me the strength to go out

when otherwise I could not


another flash crashes over my head
as I turn to see your eyes


feeling the sting of human interaction
as we looked at each other for those few seconds


I tell myself to be more careful next time

Photo by Alp Ancel on Unsplash


they wonder why I fear going outdoors when I’m alone


maybe it’s because internally
I’m still a little girl

but is that OK to say
or will they treat me bad?


just like the therapist said
I should work on calling myself
a woman first


I left and didn’t go back


if I want to be a girl

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

I don’t have to be a woman


maybe it’s OK just to be who I am
without caring what others think


I’m such a nerd
and it’s OK to
just to be me


~Thanks for reading! Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!~ 🙂 


Photo by Dan Farrell on Unsplash