A Daily Loss of Self~~Poetry~

Image by Michaela, at home in Germany β€’ Thank you very much for a like from Pixabay-poetry

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~Happy Poetry!~

Image by Susan Cipriano from Pixabay -poetry

Hello, My Poetry and Writing Friends! πŸ–€

I hope you are well! Thank you for visiting my poetry blog. I appreciate you being here!

As I continue to weed these things out of my soul, many emotions flood a place I forgot was there. These feelings and memories will eventually help me heal, but it hurts to experience them again.
I need to go back in time and give myself the love I didn’t feel. I can look back and know that God was watching out for me. I have remained living, in part, so I could see the end of my sorrows. I have much more hope for the future as I break away from my past.

Image by ATDS from Pixabay -poetry

A Daily Loss of Self

walking on my toes, trying to quietly exist
not wanting to step on broken glass
you are so unpredictable and cannot hear me
I have to learn to look after myself
hiding under covers throughout the night
not wanting to greet another day
wanting to run to a place that is safe
knowing the shadows will always follow me
I will learn to accept my current state of hell
endure the years of being imprisoned in this cell
knowing that when I get the chance to escape
I won’t look back and will try

to erase you from my shattered heart
for no matter how high your cruelty climbs
my yearning for love clings to you like glue
I wonder if I have a chance for peace
will these thoughts and nightmares always follow me?

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay -poetry

~Thank you for reading, and until next time, stay safe and be blessed!~ πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€

Image by Joe from Pixabay -poetry

~Poetry is for Everyone!~