My Silent Prayer

Happy Wednesday!!!


Hello, hello, hello, and happy Wednesday! I hope that you are having a great week and are staying safe out there. My week seems to be gradually declining, and today hit me like a stop sign in the face as I attempted to get out of bed this morning. I finally made it, but later than planned. Luckily I could afford to stay in bed a little longer this morning, but that will not always be the case. 


Today’s Poem


Today’s Poem stems from my reluctance and the distress I felt about getting out of bed today. It scares me when this happens because I think that I am sinking into a major depression and know that it can affect my whole system, draining all of my energy away. Since I am starting a new job soon I would really like my energy to stay with me, but I need to fight through it whether it has left me or not.


I ended up saying some silent prayers this morning and looking to God for help. I have found that He is my only hope during tough times and that when I focus on Him, a sense of peace comes over me. Here we go…



My Silent Prayer


I became like glue to my bed.

I tried to move, yet every movement 

brought pain and agony to my bones.


How could I make it through another day? 

Where did my unlimited energy go, 

and would it ever return?


In these moments, I said a silent prayer, 

but even my prayer became interrupted 

with worries of future events, 

unravelling before my imagination.


A sense of dread overcame me.


Questions zoomed through my mind, 

all at once, it seemed.


Things like, what if I never feel better again?

What if I let everyone I love down?

What if I make a total fool of myself in my attempt to try

at the things most people seem to do so easily?


And so I prayed to God again.

I asked for His mercy,

and for help to leave the bed I didn’t want to part with.


I needed His help to face another day.

I asked him to help me to praise Him anyway.


Because I knew that God was good even when I was feeling down.

I knew that He was bigger than all of my problems- every one of them combined.

I also knew that He would help me out this time,

as I remembered Him again,

and whispered another silent prayer.



If you find yourself feeling low, know that you are never alone. God is with you and you can call out to Him at any time.

Reach out to me if you ever need a friend as well. 🙂


Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed! 

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