Impending Doom

 Hello, Hello, Hello! Here we go with another day, and I am feeling grateful- hopefully you are as well! The title of this poem is “Impending doom”; something I am all too familiar with. Hopefully those days are mostly in the past. Since I have a severe anxiety disorder among other concerns, a sense of impending doom arises from most things I have to encounter-  it can be quite debilitating. 

Thankfully I have been without this feeling for about two weeks now. I have never not had anxiety, and to be without it feels amazing! No butterflies in my stomach, no racing heart or mind spinning out of control, and no impending doom!

Finally after all of this time I have found the right medication and I am going to stick with it this time. I feel too good to stop taking it. Thank God in Heaven! 

Now here comes the gloom and doom… Lol


Impending Doom


I feel myself slipping

Into that deep dark hole

Once again

No rope to save me

And if safety appeared

I might reject it

And fall, fall, fall

Into utter darkness

Through hands

And eyes watching

No one tries to save me

Where did clarity go?

The never-ending feeling

Of impending doom

Once again


I am hoping I never feel that way again, but I know if I do I will rise again stronger than before, Lord willing! 🙂 

Feel free to leave a comment, and until next time, stay safe and be blessed! 

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