Hello, and I hope you are well! Welcome to my poetry and writing blog- I am so glad you are here! 🙂 I hope that you are practicing your self-care, and drinking your water. Always be gentle and kind with yourself!
I am learning how much easier it is to give of yourself when you have the energy and love to provide.
When we run on empty it’s difficult to have a very fulfilling life that impacts others. When we feel good, we tend to want others to feel good around us too.
I know that we can’t “make” anyone feel anything, but we can give the process a little push by being kind!
Today’s poem is about chaos and has different imagery to describe it. It’s another spiritual poem, meant for uplifting the soul. Here we go! Happy Poetry!
Sometimes I forget how safe we truly are in the arms of our Creator. Once I re-center myself on the fact that I am safely being held in his hands, I can breathe easier, and relax more.
It’s such a joy to know that we can feel safe, even in this chaotic world. Nothing happens that’s not supposed to happen, therefore, everything is meant to be. This means that our lives have meaning and we are all planned for, and specially designed.
I hope this fills you with a sense of belonging because you are meant to be here as well! 🙂
***If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to email me at Abstractstarr777@gmail.com. I have been depressed, stressed, and even at my best, so I can probably relate or at least empathize with whatever you are going through. It’s always nice to know you have a friend, and you have a friend in me!
~Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed! ~ 🙂