Happy Wednesday!
Hello, hello, hello, and happy Wednesday! I hope you are well! I know I say it every week, but yaaaay for garbage day! I swear, if I had the chance, I could fill up a dumpster each week- OK, I am totally exaggerating! 😉
Today’s Poem
Today’s poem is about lucid dreaming. As a teen, I practiced this and it led me to some very dark places. Now it’s something I long for, but instead of willing it to happen, it occurs randomly.
I wish I could explain this poem to you if it ends up not making sense- but it makes sense to me. Make it into whatever you want! I hope you enjoy it and can wrap your mind around it in any way that might speak to you. You may just find it to be an interesting concept. Here we go!
Lucid Dreams
Within a dream, I found a way to control its happenings
Flying over vast forests, gazing below, travelling quickly, without wings
Freedom enveloping my entire being
A limitless destination arising before me
Excitement and awe, filling my soul to the brink
Too soon, I began to fall, landing near an abyss- very foreign to me
As I floated downward, I found myself in utter darkness beside the massive structure before me
Hearing screeching sounds through sudden winds, I hit the ground, haphazardly
Monsters cried out from graves beneath with blended, incomprehensible incantations
I felt a terror like no other
As fear began to dominate me, I realized my lack of control over the dream
Until I cried “Jesus!”
Suddenly all became quiet and peaceful
A sense of shock, along with gratitude encapsulated me
Does controlling a dream always have to turn evil?
Getting stuck in the ceiling without a rope to pull you back can be terrifying, thankfully, only happening once
Seeing earwigs swarm on the ground during waking hours was enough to see my punishment
Yet the desire to control just one more dream so I could fly just one more time ends up taking over
Would I rather have nightmares than give up this power?
Seemingly this capability reigns over only random nights, without training
For training in itself can turn into something demonic
Thinking Jesus stands before you, then he turns into the devil
Or some so-called spirit guide, just to let you down in the end, with treasure hunts that lead to possible death
Wondering if oppressing entities will remain on my shoulder, whispering mutterings of spinning noises
Maybe lucid dreams are not worth the pain of a tragic outcome
How fine a line we dangle over at times
Awaiting clarity, yet wishing and hoping our flesh can be satisfied
Dreaming dreams never felt so dismal
At least waking hours are beginning to feel more pleasurable
In the end, I pray for forgiveness
And ask for a dream that will turn into light
Asking God for one more lucid dream
Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!
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