An Observation Through Poetry~~ Poetry~~

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~Poetry is NOT dead!~

~Poetry is for everyone!~

~Happy Poetry!~

Photo by Max-Jakob Beer on Unsplash

Hello, my Poetry and Writing Friends!

Hello, my poetry and writing friends! How are you doing? I hope you are well and that you are staying cool if you are in this heatwave.


It’s hard because it’s so tempting to wish for summer when it’s cold, but when a heatwave hits, it’s even more tempting to wish for cooler weather. I think the ideal temperature is 68 degrees, but that’s just me. Of course, I would also want random clouds and scattering sunshine through the trees and could add a few more things to create a perfect day, but nature can speak for itself.


I don’t know about you, but I didn’t have any hobbies for a long time. I was so stuck in a depressive episode that all I wanted to do was lie in bed and waste away.


I never thought I would feel better again, even though people tried to tell me things would change. Outwardly, things didn’t change very much, but as I prayed for peace and to feel the love I craved, I began to be filled with love for God and others. It was hard to accept love in the past, but it’s becoming easier as I work on being more kind to myself.


I recently went back to my old hobby of writing, and even though it’s only been a few months, it’s been very transformative and excites me to know I finally have interest again in SOMETHING!


I don’t know if writing will ever take me anywhere, but it’s like having free therapy for now.


There must be a magical connection between our brains and our fingers. It doesn’t matter if it’s a pen and paper or a laptop in the recliner; it’s all “the good stuff.” 😉


Today’s poem has its own scenario going on, so here we go with some poetry… Happy Poetry! 🙂

Photo by Cas Holmes on Unsplash

~Poetry is NOT dead!~

Photo by Victoria Poveda on Unsplash

An Observation Through Poetry

light shining from your eyes
penetrates through
masks worn
around the room


mixed with wealth




any number of people

feeling lost
at any given time


place the veil back over your eyes


it’s not that scary
and it will be fine


it doesn’t even have to be that serious


things don’t always have to make complete sense


and sometimes it takes more than intention
to make much of a difference


other times
it can take
just a few words
and transformation
can begin to occur


suddenly it doesn’t matter
who you’re standing next to
because you realize
we are all the same


and the clothing and expensive perfume
becomes a cover to create a barrier
that really doesn’t need to be there


compassion has no boundaries
it can seep into the darkest places
where  you would never imagine light to reach


even the hardest heart can be softened
and love can prevail


it’s very simple

Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash~Poetry

I believe it really is that simple. No matter what we believe in or our different opinions, we can still respect each other and get along without being hateful toward each other.


We can actually LOVE each other!


We can step inside someone else’s shoes and try to feel their pain for a moment, try to understand that person, and give them grace.


I will say it again; we need to give ourselves more grace, too; I know I do.


Showing kindness and spreading love to others is like drinking water for your soul. It pours out, and you can share it with others.


Love is like a disease you can enjoy contracting; once you have it, it’s almost impossible not to spread it to others; love is contagious! 🙂


I hope you have a wonderful day!


~Thanks for reading, and until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!~ 🙂

Photo by Paolo Gregotti on Unsplash~poetry