Photo by Briana Tozour on Unsplash
Needing a Friend
If you could
sit with me
for just a moment
If you would
listen as I vent away
my fears
I need another
human to
connect with
I need to
know that someone
really cares
For I’ve been hiding
in this world
a long time
I’ve been
talking to myself
and empty walls
And though I
sometimes thrive
amidst the silence
I’m getting lonely
pacing through these
empty halls
So if you could
sit with me
for just a moment
If you would
listen even for
a little while
I wouldn’t feel
so alone with you
beside me
Maybe you
could help me
learn to smile
Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash
Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed! 🙂