You Were Here For Me

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash



you were here for me
when I was feeling overwhelmed
when my spirit ran dry
and when no one else cared


you were here for me
when I was feeling so low
that my mind could not see the light
when nothing made sense
you listen while I cried


every time I called out to you
you answered me speedily
when my heart was desolate
and I needed to hide 
and feel safe for a moment
you let me hide out of site
until my spirit felt rested


you were here for me
when hatred surrounded me
on every side
and no one else in the world
seemed to care


when everyone else tried
to bring me down
and I was so troubled within
I could barely breathe
you soothed me with
your gentle voice
you let me articulate
my every complaint
without any judgement
without any false sense 
of compassion



have I told you lately
how much I appreciate you?



for even when I forget to give you thanks
and even when I forget to acknowledge you
for all you have done for me
you wait amidst the shadows for me to return
your love never leaves me 
no matter how far I run


and so I thank you with
everything I am


there are no words
that could ever add up
to how much I appreciate
your love
and so from the depths
of my soul
I thank you



Photo by Kristina Litvjak on Unsplash


Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!