ocean, poetry

~~Poetry~I Can Still Visit You in My Mind~Poetry~~

  Hello, Poetry Friends! Hello, and I hope you are well! Today was one of those days where I was missing loved ones, so it spilt out onto the paper. Thankfully, for the most part, I can leave it there. Poetry can be like therapy, and I am so glad I returned to it. My depression blotted it out for a while, but hopefully, even if I go through another depression, I can at least bring poetry...

She Said Goodbye too Soon

Happy Friday!!! Hello, hello, hello, and Happy Friday! I hope you have a wonderful day today and a fabulous weekend. :) Today is a very different day for me because it is my first day going back to work after fifteen whole years! I still can't believe it! I am both excited and nervous, but I know that God has got my back so no matter what happens I know that everything will be OK. Today's...