Surviving the Morning~~Poetry~

Photo by Cris Saur on Unsplash-poetry

~Poetry is NOT dead!~
~Poetry is for everyone!
~Happy Poetry!~

Photo by Tim De Pauw on Unsplash-poetry

Hello, My Poetry and Writing Friends! 🙂

I hope you are well! Thank you for visiting my poetry blog. I appreciate you being here!

I used to be a morning person. When my dad was alive, he usually called me between 4:45-5 AM; I enjoyed early mornings back then.
Now? Not at all.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting older or not, but I do not mesh well with mornings. Usually, I have to trick myself awake. I tell myself I will put the dogs out and then return to bed. Shortly after, my cats start meowing, and I realize it will be easier just to get started with my chores.

Somehow, it works for now. I don’t want to conform to a routine. Once I make a rule, I just want to break it. Today, I wrote a poem about my love affair with mornings, using sleepy animal photos for fun. 🙂

~I hope you enjoy today’s short poem~

Surviving the Morning

dragging through the morning
a cloud of exhaustion looms overhead
trying to see the bright side
that I am alive and well
if I can just stay awake
long enough to feel human
I can get through this tiredness
and not feel as if I am losing

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash-poetry

Can you relate?

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash-poetry

I like to drink coffee, but it doesn’t wake me up. If anything, caffeine calms me down. I pick and choose which days I want to drink it or not. Sometimes I’m tired all day; those days are the most challenging to get through.

Thanks for reading, and until next time, stay safe, and be blessed! 🙂

Photo by J Cruikshank on Unsplash-poetry

~Poetry is NOT dead!~