Running Away





Running Away

~a poem~

Photo by Maxwell Ridgeway on Unsplash



I set you up
and I’ll admit it
I couldn’t take
another minute
in your presence
with so much darkness
deep within my soul



and so I sent you
far away
across the country
right by the sea
and every day 
I hoped and prayed
that you would always
stay away



I didn’t want to
touch your body
not even once
I couldn’t do it



that dreadful day
when you announced
that you were coming back
something snapped
inside my brain and heart
my head tilted in
the oddest way
as I drove home 
on Christmas day



and so I had
to make a plan
I’d leave the house
I called my own
I’d disappear
without a sound
and that’s just
what I did
I ran



Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!