My morning has kind of been a blur. I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night with bad dreams, just like a little kid. After it happens, I don’t want to go back to bed because I’m afraid the dream will return, so I take a bath in the middle of the night and then go back to sleep later.
I am still getting a decent amount of sleep, so I guess it works for now, but if it continues, I might need to up my nightmare med that wipes my dreams away. I would rather not because I want to have the option of possibly having a good dream, but this medication completely obliterates most of my dreams.
I have had a rough few days and am feeling kind of low, but I am trying to rise above it. It probably shows up in my writing, and I apologize that I have been getting so much emotional waste out of me. I hope that somehow, some way, my pain can help someone.
I have found that with poetry, you can draw your own meaning from it and rewrite it in your mind with your own picture and memories.
Poetry Lovers, UNITE!
We need a full-out poetry revolution where people see that poetry is more than people saying “thou’s” and words no one knows. I am not bashing that kind of poetry; it’s just not my thing. Maybe once in a while, but that’s just because I like Shakespeare. Who can argue with him? 😉
Today’s Poem
Anyway, today’s poem is about being real, and the need to stay that way (I don’t like lies and fake people), so here we go…!
I feel the harshness of your voice and see your cruelty within your smile
I feel the punch in the gut of your true intentions which must be to try to punish me further for my so-called tribulations since I escaped your vulture talons and I dodged your evil eye
If this spoke to you, I am sad in one way, but if you can relate, then know that you are not alone!
I am seeing that many people care- even if it’s online for now. They are still real people, and they are being kind to me, and I truly appreciate it from all that is in me.
If you ever need an ear, please email me at Let me know if you ever want to share a poem for fun. Until then, HAPPY POETRY!🙂