mental health-poetry

I Became What I Feared The Most, and I’m Still Here~~Poetry~~

~I have Bipolar and need to take pills to survive~

Photo by Elsa Olofsson on Unsplash

Hello, Poetry and writing Friends!

Hello, my poetry and writing friends! How are my fellow deep-thinkers doing? I hope you are all well!

It’s super hot still over here, but I am finding that sitting directly in front of the fan, sticking my head in the freezer, or running through the sprinkler really helps.

I am looking forward to things cooling off, though.

Today I am addressing mental health. I feel that the more people keep the conversation going, the more we can fight against the stigma and oppression we experience.

I know first-hand how cruel people can be when it comes to mental health issues. Sadly, many families discriminate against their family members. I know this type of treatment, and I won’t be putting up with it again.

One of my primary diagnoses is Bipolar Type-1. Right now, I am more stable than I have ever been, but I need to keep my guard up because depression is always underneath the surface, and mania can be triggered by, well, my triggers.

I’m more careful about who I allow in my life now because mental health matters, and part of taking care of our mental health is practicing good self-care. Sometimes self-care means you must walk away from people stealing your joy. I did, and I feel freer than I ever have.

If you are like me, you want a peaceful life. It’s attainable if you begin to rearrange your environment and thought processes. I just made that sound easy- it isn’t, but it’s sooooo very worth it.

~Poetry is for everyone!~

~Poetry is NOT dead!~

~Happy Poetry!~

Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

I Became What I Feared the Most, and I’m Still Here

~I have Bipolar and need to take pills to survive~

sometimes it seems
these handfuls of pills
have turned into me


have I forgotten who I was before?


I remember
as a child
being afraid 
I would get Bipolar
when I heard it ran in the family


I sometimes
sleep too long
or not enough
for days on end
and stay indoors
while seasons change


the person standing
in the mirror
becoming a heavier
and less aware
version of myself


things stopped
bothering me so much
I could do different things
like hold a spider
in my hand
and play with it
like with a pet
not realizing it 
was due to mania


increase the dosage
swallow it down


these pills begin
to completely
so much 
that it lessens
my ability to feel


but it’s ok
because before
I felt too much


so, even though 
I’m not sure which is the medication
and which is my personality


I wonder if it would be better
to forget the old me


the one who 
could barely
do anything


even if I have to deal
with all the many side effects 
in exchange for healing


I take them
what I most feared
I became


but I’m still living
a life with Bipolar
and I’m doing my best
and it hasn’t been the death of me yet


Don’t forget- if you ever need a friend, leave a message in the comments or email me at You are not alone!!! 🙂

~Thanks for reading! Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!~ 🙂

~Happy Poetry!~

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