I Tried



Hello, hello, hello! Happy Wednesday to you! 🙂 Today is a good day- I can just feel it!

Well, today is garbage day here and that is always a good day when the garbage is already overflowing and I get a little excited to be able to have an empty garbage can to refill with brand new garbage. You know, it’s the little things in life that make life grand. The fact that today is garbage day is truly fitting for my poem today, which you will see in a minute.  😉

I am feeling extra renewed this morning after taking my dogs out and looking up at the stars. It’s so amazing to see God’s creation and to know how vast He is. The sky is so gigantic and I am so small compared to it- I wonder how big things really get in the scheme of things?

Anyway, today’s poem focusses on getting away from toxic people and having peace within this life. Peace is always a good thing! We can forgive and move on. It can be hard to forget the offence because we are human, not God. I think it’s better not to forget sometimes because that may lead us right back into the fire we were burnt with before. Peace is a healthy thing for our mind body and souls, so why not embrace it today? Today’s Poem is called, “I tried.”



I tried


I Tried

I really did

For years

Then realized

The energy I used

I could use elsewhere

Like for my kids

Or on creative things

Constructive things

Enjoyable things

Positive things

Not toxic things


You know the saying

“Garbage in garbage out”

I use to think

It was meant

Only for information

One allowed to enter

Into their thoughts


But now I realize

It is meant also

For people too

Toxic people  

Bring in toxic outcomes


You know the saying 

“Good riddance to bad rubbish”

I like that one

And I will utilize it as needed


I tried for years

And I am done trying

I want to be free 

Free to live in peace


         Peace brings FREEDOM!!!



Until next time, stay safe and be blessed! <3

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