Fighting My Fears After Trying To Run From Them~~Poetry~

~Happy Poetry!~

Photo by Tim Trad on Unsplash

~A Good Day For Poetry~

~Poetry is NOT dead!~

~Poetry is for everyone!~

~Happy Poetry!~

Photo by Anderson Rian on Unsplash

Hello, My Poetry and Writing Friends!

Hello, my poetry and writing friends! How are you doing? I hope you are well! I also hope you are being kind to yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat a best friend or partner. Treat yourself the way you wish others would treat you. We can do this together!

I hope you have been enjoying whatever season you are in. We go through seasons with the weather just like we go through seasons in our lives.

When living with a mood disorder (like myself), the seasons of our lives can get quite rocky, but it’s good to remember that life will get better in time.

Today’s poem is about facing our fears. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Poetry!

Fighting My Fears After Trying To Run From Them~~Poetry~

crashing waves 
in my brain

immense pain 

evil thoughts
trying to take over

I stomp them out

running faster than my fears

feet slapping the cement

and then I stop
and slowly turn around

I look at fear right in its ugly face
and realize what it represents

fear is a stop sign

quicksand for the mind

wastes our precious time
that could be spent in freedom

if I keep running
from my fears
I won’t resolve
the problem

and so I will stay
in this present moment
and sit with fear
until I conquer it

I will win this battle
and will be stronger 
because of it

Photo by Eugenia Maximova on Unsplash

Does this poem resonate with you at all? Have you ever tried to run from your fears just to find that facing the problem is better?

I tend to avoid things I don’t want to think about, but they always catch up with me, just like waves always come back to the shore.

I hope that whatever season of life you are in, you will find peace and comfort in your surroundings and your inner-self. I turn to God for my peace (and my pills), but I know that not everyone turns to God or even believes in God, so everyone’s methods are different.

No matter who you are, I want you to know that your life matters! You are amazing and the only YOU that there is! I think that’s pretty great! We can shine together and change the world a little bit at a time. 🙂

~Thanks for reading, and until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!~ 🙂

Photo by Budka Damdinsuren on Unsplash

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