Thinking Outside of Time~~Poetry

Photo by Ivan Lapyrin on Unsplash

~Poetry is NOT dead!~

~Poetry is for everyone!~

~Happy Poetry!~

Photo by Inga Gezalian on Unsplash– poetry

Hello, My Poetry and Writing Friends!

Hello, my poetry and writing friends! How are you doing? I hope you are well!


I hope you are being kind to yourself. It’s a daily journey of self-reassurance, where we need to remind ourselves that we are enough and we have a right to be here just like everyone else.


I hope you are also enjoying whatever season you are in. We are still in the middle of summer and going into another heatwave. It’s been a luxury to be able to go to the store because we get relief from the heat. Sometimes I don’t want to leave the car because the air conditioner feels so nice!


Summer will be gone before we know it; soon enough, it will be Christmas! That sounds ridiculous, but the way the stores push the following season, it’s hard not to think about it sometimes.


Today’s poem is about a blend of two different people, or at least a look from outside of time. I hope you enjoy it! Happy poetry!

Photo by Ivan Diaz on Unsplash– poetry

~Poetry is NOT dead!~

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~Thinking Outside of Time!~~Poetry~

maybe you should take some time
to look into the mirror
and realize just how unique you are


do you know why you are here?

and how amazing you truly are?

there is no one quite like you

did you know that I can see within
the shining eyes you are looking through?

I remember the day
we stood
locked in a gaze
and neither of us could
believe our eyes

we saw ourselves in one another
and it made us both realize
that we were a part of each other
bonded from the inside

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash -poetry

I think of my best friend, Natalie, who passed away so long ago, and all of the heartache I have felt ever since. I write about Natalie sometimes and think about what things would have been like if she had never died. It’s a fantasy, and it’s one I like to be a part of.


It’s hard to miss our loved ones, but it’s something we all will experience eventually, so it’s good to have a release. Writing is a good release for me.
If you haven’t been writing your thoughts down, why not just give it a try and see what happens? It’s incredible what can happen once you start writing, and it’s like a mental and emotional release.

~Thanks for reading, and until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!~ 🙂

~Happy Poetry!~

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash– poetry