~Sing Me To Sleep And Give Me Peaceful Dreams~ ~~Poetry~~

Photo by Adryan RA on Unsplash

~Poetry is NOT dead!~

~Poetry is for everyone!~

~Happy Poetry!~

Photo by Yohann LIBOT on Unsplash

Hello, my Poetry and Writing Friends!

Hello, and I hope you are well! I hope you are being gentle and kind with yourself, as well as with others.

This world could always use more kindness. The nicer we are to ourselves, the easier it is to treat others with love.

I know that people can be mean in this world and say hurtful things without a thought about the person they are offending.

If careless words have hurt you, then I am genuinely sorry, I have experienced bullying throughout my life, from kids to adults, to my own family, so I feel your pain.

Today’s poem may sound a little childish. A child lives somewhere inside of all of us, and mine is very alive and aware; it can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. Here we go, and happy poetry!

Photo by Adryan RA on Unsplash

Sing Me to Sleep and Give Me a Dream~~Poetry~

sing me to sleep

I can’t quiet my troubled soul

I need a soothing song
and a sweet kiss goodnight

I’m like a little child all over again
needing so desperately to be tucked into bed

give me a peaceful dream

hand me my pills 
and open my water bottle

take off my socks
and tie up my hair

sing that sweet song
as I drift away

you make me feel so secure
in this crazy, chaotic world

please sing me to sleep
once more

I hope you enjoyed this poem. Let me know if you can relate. Also, if you ever want to share a poem or a piece of your writing to get more exposure, I can share it on my social media platforms to give you a little boost.

~Thanks for reading! Until next time, take care, and be blessed! ~ 🙂

sleeping, poetry
Photo by Adryan RA on Unsplash