When A Loved One Suffers

Happy Tuesday!


Hello, hello, hello, and happy Tuesday! I will admit, I had to drag myself out of bed this morning and even now, am fighting the urge to go crawl back into bed, but know that today is still a day to be thankful for. I hope that you have a great day and can find joy in the little things, even if it’s in the sounds of birds singing or children laughing; there is always something we can find to be grateful for. 🙂


Something my sister told me long ago was that things could always be worse, and when I remember her saying that, I try to say a prayer of gratitude because my sister was right- it could always be worse.


Thinking of things this way can give almost any situation a silver lining. It’s hard to suffer, but it’s really hard to watch someone else suffer; that leads me to today’s poem.



Today’s Poem


Today’s poem is about watching a loved one suffer and not being able to do anything about it. It’s so hard not to smother a loved one with “sorries,” and can be overwhelming when you feel helpless in the situation.


Right now, my husband is going through one of those situations, and my heart goes out to him. He is my inspiration for writing this today. Here we go…





When a Loved One Suffers


As you stand before me

A “sorry” escapes my lips once again


Though your dismal condition

Does not stem from my actions

I still feel a twinge of guilt

As I see the pain and frustration in your eyes


It’s so difficult 

To stand idly by

While a loved one suffers


A sense of helplessness

Can take over your entire being

And every prayer you pray

Becomes unselfishly for them


For you know that you would give anything

Just to see them well again


And so I say another prayer

And I try to be strong for you

Because too many “sorries” do the opposite

Of what they were meant to do


Sometimes resolve comes within the silence


And as you walk out that door  

I hope you know that as you go

I will be here for you

Both now and forevermore

Because I love you

More than you will ever know





If you happen to be suffering, or someone you love, my heart goes out to you. Life is hard enough already, and we never know what tomorrow will bring. Try to cherish today, and reach out to me if you ever need someone to talk to. Embrace the ones you love, and don’t forget to ask God for help as well. Remember, He is near to the brokenhearted. 


Until next time, stay safe, and be blessed!


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