Gratitude Reborn

Another Day to be Grateful For! πŸ™‚ 

Hello, hello, hello again, and happy Thursday to you! Today I am grateful for life and all of the little things we enjoy. Things like hearing the birds singing this morning even before the sun came up. Also, I am grateful for the hot water I had as I ran my bath- so many people in the world do not have this luxury.  I have been guilty many times of taking things for granted, and I want to remember to be grateful today. 


When Will the Craziness End? :-/ 

Hopefully, we can all start getting out soon again when things start to get to a semi-normal way of life. I have a feeling that they will be a different type of normal, but we can all work with it. I keep forgetting that things are closed and keep thinking of things I can do with my kids, like take them out to dinner or go to the mall, but then I catch myself and remember that we are in lockdown. I bet that each and every one of us will be very grateful when we can get out and do things again! Gratitude is good for the soul, and we can embrace it today. πŸ™‚


Today’s Poem…

Today’s poem is about a renewed sense of gratitude after losing it completely. I hope you enjoy it! πŸ™‚ 



Gratitude Reborn


When gratitude escaped my mind

I cried out beyond clouds overhead

No answer came

Emptiness encapsulated my very being


Pacing continually, day by day

Conversing with myself

Still, no answer came

Except for my own

And it was not β€˜very advantageous 


Finally actualizing that

Explanations could not form within

My consciousness

Originating from

An unhinged perspective


I resorted to those tiny,  astringent

Pills once again

They finally made me feel much better


Thankfully, time did not end for me

A newness for life now lives on

I have found a new sense of gratitude

A gratitude reborn


Until next time, stay safe and be blessed! 

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